Our Organization

LANA is dedicated to supporting a thriving downtown waterfront and protecting our local environment and strengthening community.

How it started

Residents in downtown Riviera Beach noticed that our area, which is part of the CRA district, was being neglected. We discovered that not having a neighborhood association representing our interests was a disadvantage, especially since other communities have already organized.

So, we came together to address the issue and now we have a volunteer neighborhood association for people who live or own businesses in the downtown area. As this area continues to develop, we collaborate to improve our community living.


What’s a neighborhood association?

A neighborhood association is a voluntarily organized group of residents and area businesses with a shared interest in enhancing living conditions in a neighborhood and addressing neighborhood concerns. Unlike an HOA, neighborhood associations are not restricted to home ownership nor do they impose any rules.

What does membership involve?

Membership includes a newsletter, invitation to events, and advocacy for concerns of members with local actors. Your membership can be passive or active depending on your interests. Many people join to stay informed about developments in the local area, others because they want to get involved and support positive improvements on key issues.

Who can become a member?

Membership is open to residents and businesses in the geographic boundaries of LANA. Specifically, the area bounded by Silver Beach Road on the north, 12th Street on the south, the Intracoastal Waterway on the east and Avenue E on the west. You can join online. There is a $30 annual fee for membership to cover the costs of running a non profit neighborhood association. Sign up today.

Is there anyway I can support your cause other than being a member?

Organizations with aligned interests can reach out to us about affiliate memberships. LANA also accepts donations in support of our key issues.

Contact us to learn more about affiliate members.

Make an online donation to support our initiatives.

Donate Now

Our Mission and Values

LANA is a budding grassroots organization. Learn more about us.


Our mission is to secure the investment of community stakeholders and enhance the quality of life through unified advocacy with municipal and county actors on key issues affecting the district, to support initiatives that build community, to ensure sustainable growth through the preservation of our local habitat, to coordinate efforts for special projects that benefit the greater good, and to spread awareness of changes coming to the downtown area. 


  • Respect and cooperation among stakeholders

  • Protection of our local environment

  • High quality living and community health